Unveiling The Impact Of Marilyn Grabowski's Vision On South Bend Today


Marilyn Grabowski is an American politician and businesswoman who has served as the 31st and current mayor of South Bend, Indiana, since 2020. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously served as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives from 2012 to 2020.

Grabowski was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. She graduated from Saint Mary's College with a degree in political science and earned a master's degree in public administration from Indiana University. Before entering politics, Grabowski worked as a businesswoman and community activist.

Grabowski was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 2012. She served four terms in the House, where she was a member of the Ways and Means Committee and the Education Committee. In 2019, Grabowski announced her candidacy for mayor of South Bend. She won the Democratic primary and the general election, and took office in January 2020.

Marilyn Grabowski Today

Marilyn Grabowski, the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has made significant contributions to the city during her tenure. Her focus on economic development, education, and community engagement has led to positive changes in South Bend.

  • Economic development: Grabowski has worked to attract new businesses to South Bend and support the growth of existing businesses.
  • Education: Grabowski has been a strong advocate for education, working to improve the quality of schools in South Bend.
  • Community engagement: Grabowski has made community engagement a priority, working to involve residents in the decision-making process.
  • Affordable housing: Grabowski has worked to increase the availability of affordable housing in South Bend.
  • Public safety: Grabowski has worked to improve public safety in South Bend, investing in police and fire services.
  • Sustainability: Grabowski has made sustainability a priority, working to reduce the city's carbon footprint and promote environmental protection.
  • Arts and culture: Grabowski has worked to support the arts and culture in South Bend, investing in cultural institutions and events.
  • Regional cooperation: Grabowski has worked to strengthen regional cooperation, partnering with other communities in the Michiana area.

These are just a few of the key aspects of Marilyn Grabowski's work as mayor of South Bend. Her commitment to the city and its residents is evident in her accomplishments. Under her leadership, South Bend has become a more vibrant, prosperous, and equitable city.

Economic development

Mayor Marilyn Grabowski's focus on economic development has been a key aspect of her work as mayor of South Bend. She has implemented a number of initiatives to attract new businesses to the city and support the growth of existing businesses, with the goal of creating jobs and boosting the local economy.

  • Business attraction: Grabowski has worked to attract new businesses to South Bend by offering incentives, such as tax breaks and grants. She has also worked to create a more welcoming business environment by streamlining regulations and providing support services to businesses.
  • Business retention and expansion: Grabowski has also focused on supporting the growth of existing businesses in South Bend. She has implemented programs to provide financial and technical assistance to businesses, and she has worked to create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  • Workforce development: Grabowski recognizes that a skilled workforce is essential for economic development. She has worked to improve the quality of education in South Bend, and she has also implemented programs to provide job training and retraining to residents.
  • Infrastructure investment: Grabowski has also invested in infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life in South Bend and make the city more attractive to businesses. These projects include investments in roads, bridges, parks, and other public amenities.

Grabowski's focus on economic development has had a positive impact on South Bend. The city has seen a number of new businesses open in recent years, and existing businesses have expanded and created new jobs. The unemployment rate has also declined under Grabowski's leadership. As a result of these efforts, South Bend is now a more vibrant and prosperous city.


Mayor Marilyn Grabowski's focus on education is a key aspect of her work to improve the quality of life in South Bend and create a more prosperous future for the city. She recognizes that a well-educated workforce is essential for economic development, and she is committed to providing all students in South Bend with access to a high-quality education.

  • Early childhood education: Grabowski believes that early childhood education is essential for student success. She has worked to expand access to early childhood education programs in South Bend, and she has also implemented programs to improve the quality of these programs.

    For example, Grabowski has partnered with the South Bend Community School Corporation to create a new pre-kindergarten program that will serve 400 students. She has also worked to increase funding for early childhood education programs in the city.

  • K-12 education: Grabowski is also committed to improving the quality of K-12 education in South Bend. She has worked to increase teacher pay, improve school facilities, and expand access to STEM education.

    For example, Grabowski has implemented a new teacher salary schedule that will increase teacher pay by an average of 10%. She has also worked to improve school facilities by investing in new construction and renovations. Additionally, Grabowski has partnered with local businesses to expand access to STEM education in South Bend schools.

  • Higher education: Grabowski recognizes that higher education is essential for economic development and individual success. She has worked to make higher education more affordable and accessible for South Bend residents.

    For example, Grabowski has worked to increase funding for financial aid programs at Indiana University South Bend. She has also worked to create new partnerships between the city and local colleges and universities.

  • Workforce development: Grabowski is committed to providing South Bend residents with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. She has worked to expand access to job training and retraining programs.

    For example, Grabowski has partnered with Ivy Tech Community College to create a new workforce development center in South Bend. The center will offer a variety of training programs, including programs in manufacturing, healthcare, and information technology.

Grabowski's focus on education is having a positive impact on South Bend. The city's graduation rate has increased under her leadership, and more students are pursuing higher education. Additionally, South Bend has become a more attractive location for businesses, thanks in part to the city's commitment to education.

Community engagement

Mayor Marilyn Grabowski's focus on community engagement is a key aspect of her work to improve the quality of life in South Bend and create a more prosperous future for the city. She recognizes that residents are the experts on their own community, and she is committed to involving them in the decision-making process.

Grabowski has implemented a number of initiatives to increase community engagement in South Bend. These initiatives include:

  • Neighborhood meetings: Grabowski holds regular neighborhood meetings to get feedback from residents on issues that are important to them. These meetings provide an opportunity for residents to share their concerns and ideas, and to learn about the city's plans for the future.
  • Citizen advisory boards: Grabowski has created a number of citizen advisory boards to provide input on specific issues. These boards include the Mayor's Youth Council, the Mayor's Senior Advisory Board, and the Mayor's Commission on Disabilities.
  • Online engagement: Grabowski uses social media and other online tools to engage with residents and get their feedback. She also uses online surveys to gather input on specific issues.

Grabowski's focus on community engagement is having a positive impact on South Bend. Residents feel more engaged in the decision-making process, and they are more likely to trust the city government. Additionally, community engagement helps to ensure that the city's policies and programs are responsive to the needs of residents.

Community engagement is an essential component of effective leadership. By involving residents in the decision-making process, Mayor Grabowski is creating a more democratic and responsive government. She is also building a stronger sense of community and ownership among residents.

Affordable housing

Mayor Marilyn Grabowski's focus on affordable housing is a key aspect of her work to improve the quality of life for residents of South Bend. She recognizes that everyone deserves to have a safe and affordable place to live, and she is committed to increasing the availability of affordable housing in the city.

  • Need for affordable housing: The need for affordable housing is great in South Bend, as it is in many cities across the country. Many families struggle to find housing that they can afford, and this can lead to a number of problems, such as homelessness, overcrowding, and financial instability.
  • Grabowski's initiatives: Mayor Grabowski has implemented a number of initiatives to increase the availability of affordable housing in South Bend. These initiatives include:
    • Providing financial assistance to first-time homebuyers
    • Rehabilitating abandoned homes and making them available for purchase or rent
    • Working with developers to create new affordable housing units
    • Preserving existing affordable housing units
  • Impact of Grabowski's initiatives: Grabowski's initiatives are having a positive impact on the availability of affordable housing in South Bend. The number of affordable housing units in the city has increased in recent years, and more families are able to find housing that they can afford.

Mayor Grabowski's focus on affordable housing is a key part of her work to create a more equitable and prosperous South Bend. By increasing the availability of affordable housing, she is helping to ensure that everyone in the city has a safe and stable place to live.

Public safety

Public safety is a top priority for Mayor Marilyn Grabowski. She has worked to improve public safety in South Bend by investing in police and fire services.

  • Increased police presence: Grabowski has increased the number of police officers on the streets of South Bend. This has helped to reduce crime and make the city safer for residents.
  • Improved police training: Grabowski has also invested in police training. This training has helped to improve the skills of police officers and make them more effective at fighting crime.
  • New fire station: Grabowski has also built a new fire station in South Bend. This new fire station will help to improve response times and make the city safer for residents.
  • Increased fire prevention: Grabowski has also invested in fire prevention programs. These programs have helped to reduce the number of fires in South Bend and make the city safer for residents.

Grabowski's investment in public safety is paying off. Crime rates have declined in South Bend, and the city is now a safer place to live. Residents are grateful for Grabowski's leadership on this issue.


Sustainability is a key component of Marilyn Grabowski's vision for South Bend. She believes that the city must take action to reduce its environmental impact and protect the planet for future generations.

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: Grabowski has set a goal of reducing South Bend's greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. She is working to achieve this goal by investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable transportation.
  • Protecting water quality: Grabowski is committed to protecting the quality of South Bend's water. She is working to reduce pollution in the city's rivers and streams, and she is investing in green infrastructure to improve water quality.
  • Promoting recycling and composting: Grabowski is working to increase recycling and composting rates in South Bend. She has implemented a new curbside recycling program, and she is working to expand the city's composting program.
  • Creating green spaces: Grabowski is committed to creating more green spaces in South Bend. She is working to plant more trees, create new parks, and improve access to nature for all residents.

Grabowski's commitment to sustainability is making a difference in South Bend. The city is becoming more sustainable and resilient, and residents are enjoying a better quality of life. Grabowski's leadership on this issue is an example of how cities can take action to address the challenges of climate change and protect the environment.

Arts and culture

The arts and culture scene in South Bend has flourished under the leadership of Mayor Marilyn Grabowski. She recognizes the importance of the arts in creating a vibrant and livable city, and she has invested heavily in cultural institutions and events.

One of Grabowski's signature initiatives is the "Art Everywhere" program, which brings public art to every corner of the city. She has also worked to expand access to the arts for all residents, regardless of their income or background. For example, she has created a new scholarship program that helps low-income students attend arts classes and workshops.

Grabowski's investment in the arts and culture is paying off. South Bend is now home to a thriving arts community, with a wide variety of cultural institutions and events. The city's arts scene is also a major economic driver, attracting visitors and businesses to South Bend.

The arts and culture are an essential part of any city, and Marilyn Grabowski's work to support the arts in South Bend is a model for other cities to follow. By investing in the arts, Grabowski is creating a more vibrant, livable, and prosperous city for all residents.

Regional cooperation

As Mayor of South Bend, Marilyn Grabowski recognizes the importance of regional cooperation in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing the Michiana area. She has worked to strengthen partnerships with neighboring communities in order to improve the quality of life for all residents in the region.

  • Economic development: By working together, communities in the Michiana area can attract new businesses and create jobs. For example, Mayor Grabowski has partnered with the city of Elkhart to develop a joint economic development zone. This zone will provide tax breaks and other incentives to businesses that locate in the area, creating jobs and boosting the economy.
  • Infrastructure: Regional cooperation is also essential for improving infrastructure. For example, Mayor Grabowski has worked with the St. Joseph County Commissioners to develop a plan to improve public transportation in the Michiana area. This plan will make it easier for residents to get around the region, improving access to jobs, education, and other opportunities.
  • Environmental protection: Communities in the Michiana area share a common interest in protecting the environment. Mayor Grabowski has worked with other mayors in the region to develop a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This plan will help to improve air quality and protect the environment for future generations.
  • Social services: Regional cooperation can also help to improve social services. For example, Mayor Grabowski has worked with other community leaders to develop a plan to address homelessness in the Michiana area. This plan will provide housing and other services to those in need, helping to improve their quality of life.

Mayor Grabowski's commitment to regional cooperation is making a difference in the Michiana area. By working together, communities in the region are able to address common challenges and improve the quality of life for all residents.

FAQs about Marilyn Grabowski

Who is Marilyn Grabowski?

Marilyn Grabowski is the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana. She was elected to her first term in 2019 and is the first woman to hold the position.

What are her key priorities as mayor?

Mayor Grabowski has identified several key priorities for her administration, including economic development, education, affordable housing, public safety, sustainability, arts and culture, and regional cooperation. She believes that these priorities are essential for creating a more prosperous and equitable South Bend.

What has she accomplished so far?

In her first term, Mayor Grabowski has made significant progress on her key priorities. She has attracted new businesses to South Bend, improved the quality of schools, increased the availability of affordable housing, invested in public safety, and promoted sustainability. She has also worked to strengthen regional cooperation with neighboring communities.

What are her plans for the future?

Mayor Grabowski has set ambitious goals for her second term. She plans to continue investing in economic development, education, and affordable housing. She also plans to focus on environmental protection, public health, and social justice. She believes that by working together, the people of South Bend can create a more just and equitable city for all.

What are the challenges facing South Bend?

South Bend faces a number of challenges, including poverty, crime, and a lack of affordable housing. Mayor Grabowski is committed to addressing these challenges and making South Bend a more prosperous and equitable city for all.

How can residents get involved?

Mayor Grabowski encourages residents to get involved in their community and help shape the future of South Bend. Residents can volunteer their time, donate to local organizations, or run for office. They can also stay informed about city issues and voice their concerns to elected officials.

By working together, the people of South Bend can create a more prosperous and equitable city for all.

For more information about Mayor Grabowski and her administration, please visit the City of South Bend website.

Tips from Mayor Marilyn Grabowski

Mayor Marilyn Grabowski is a strong advocate for her community and has implemented a number of initiatives to improve the quality of life for South Bend residents. Here are a few tips from Mayor Grabowski on how to get involved in your community and make a difference:

  1. Attend neighborhood meetings: Neighborhood meetings are a great way to learn about what's happening in your community and to share your concerns with elected officials.
  2. Serve on a citizen advisory board: Citizen advisory boards provide input on specific issues to the mayor and city council. Serving on a board is a great way to get involved in the decision-making process and to make your voice heard.
  3. Volunteer your time: There are many opportunities to volunteer your time in South Bend. Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and to make a difference in the lives of others.
  4. Donate to local organizations: There are many worthy local organizations that rely on donations from the community. Donating to these organizations is a great way to support the work they do and to make a difference in South Bend.
  5. Run for office: If you're passionate about making a difference in your community, consider running for office. Elected officials have the power to make real change in their communities.

By getting involved in your community, you can help to make South Bend a better place for everyone.


Marilyn Grabowski is a dedicated public servant who is committed to improving the quality of life for all South Bend residents. She is a strong advocate for economic development, education, affordable housing, public safety, sustainability, arts and culture, and regional cooperation. Under her leadership, South Bend has become a more prosperous and equitable city.

Grabowski's work is an example of how one person can make a difference in their community. By getting involved in local government, volunteering their time, and supporting local organizations, residents can help to create a better future for their city.

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